Set up a New Supplier

How to create and set up a new supplier to analyse your invoices

To get started with Koncile, you need to first set up the suppliers whose documents you want to import. This includes creating an entry for each supplier and configuring the data you want to extract from the different document types.

Step 1: Creating a New Supplier

To create your first supplier:

  1. Click on “Add Supplier”;
  2. Give the supplier a name;
  3. Provide a brief description of the supplier for better automatic document classification;
  4. Click “Create”!

The supplier will now be added to your list of suppliers.

Step 2: Configure a Document Type for Data Extraction

Once you’ve added your supplier in Koncile, you can configure document types to automate data extraction for that specific type of document.

What types of documents can I upload to Koncile?

To create a document type for a supplier:

  1. Click on the supplier’s row;
  2. Go to the “Configuration” tab;
  3. Click “Create a New File Type” at the top right;
  4. Specify whether it is an “Invoice” or a “Contract”;
  5. Name this document type;
  6. Provide a detailed description of the document type—this will be helpful later when you import various documents, allowing the tool to classify and process them;
  7. Click “Create”!

You can duplicate a document type for extraction using the Create from another supplier tool.

You’ve just created a new document type! For each supplier, configurations are saved in the “Configuration” tab.

Step 3: Configuring the Fields to Extract

When you create or modify a configuration for a document type, you need to set up the specific information you want to systematically extract from this type of document. It is essential to specify which fields should be extracted. The fields are categorized into two types:

  • General Fields: These are the pieces of information that are unique to each invoice or condition file, such as the supplier, total price, date, invoice number, etc.
  • Repeated Fields: These are the details found on each line of the invoice or condition file, such as product codes, descriptions, units, unit price, etc.

Note: The document types you just created come with default fields that are used for analyses. You can modify them later to specify the exact information you want to extract.

To create a new field:

  1. Choose the category between "General Fields" and "Repeated Fields";
  2. Select "Add a field to extract";
  3. Give the field a name;
  4. Describe what you want to extract. This description helps explain the purpose of the field and provides clarity for future reference;
  5. Assign a “Format” to the field: specify a format (Number, Date, Text, Unit Price, etc.) to optimize the final data formatting;
  6. Click on “Add”!

The configured fields are saved in the dropdown menu below the “Add” button.

Step 4: Test with a sample file (Optional)

To configure a document type, you can upload a test file and test the extraction of information for this type of document:

  1. Upload a sample file by clicking on “Browse”;
  2. Run the test by clicking on “Run on test file” at the bottom right;
  3. Check the data extraction: you can then directly see in the dropdown menu of fields if the AI correctly extracted the data;
  4. Modify the fields if necessary by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the relevant field.

Note: For repeated fields, the information displayed in the dropdown menu of fields is extracted from the first line of your file.

Step 5: Add general instructions (Optional)

What types of specific instructions can I give for a document type?

To add an instruction:

  1. Choose the category between "General Fields" and "Repeated Fields";
  2. Select "Add an instruction";
  3. Detail the instruction you want to give the AI so it will apply it each time you use this configuration;
  4. Click on “Add”!

The instructions you’ve set will be visible below the configured fields for this setup.

Note: These instructions will be specific to either general or repeated fields.

John Afaghpour

Founding Engineer

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